The work of my students will be related with the topic of the emotions and how they can be a useful tool in our learning process. Our main objectives are to understand both the value and the functions of emotions. As well as the importance of their expression and self-regulation in order to achieve an optimal intellectual, personal and socio-affective development. The driving question of our project is “Can emotions help us learn and enjoy learning?” This project is going to be divided into 10 sessions in which the students will develop, among other things, competences like: Linguistic competence, digital competence, learn to learn, social and civic competence, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship and cultural and awareness expression. During the project the students will carry out different tasks such as writing a Diary about their emotions, creating a Collage about the emotions they are feeling in that precise moment…, besides, they will design and make an “Emotionometer” that will be placed in the classroom walls and they will create a Glossary of terms related with the topic. Apart from that, we will also talk about how our Brain works and the students will have to perform a mind map about it. To finish the project the students, in small groups, will have to make a Sway presentation about Emotions. In order to carry out those activities, we will put into practice diverse cooperative techniques like Think-pair-share, Talking chips or Round Robin that will allow the students to work in a variety of ways: individually, in pairs, in small group and even as a whole group.
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