The maths pizza restaurant

  Photo by Chad Montano on Unsplash

This project-based learning assessment starts by choosing a pizza chain, researching its prices, and applying linear algebra concepts to find the base cost of a pizza. These same concepts will allow students to determine how much each additional topping costs. As we are learning how to make additions and subtractions with decimal numbers (content 1) this will be a good opportunity to do some practice. But the task isn’t done there. In the previous unit they learnt about fractions, so each pair must guess and decide in how many portions they want to sell their pizzas (content 2). They also have to make combinations of portions in halves, thirds, fourths, sixths and eights. (question 3) Students should research – in pairs – how much it costs an individual pizza, a medium size one and a familiar one (question 1). They can then determine which prices will have theirs. Finally, they have to know what profits they have had during a day if they have sold 2 individual, 16 medium size and 24 familiar pizzas (question 2) Doing so acts as an introduction to basic economic concepts, encouraging students to critically think about business. Before developing the project: Class restaurant info: Individual size: 7,5€ Medium size: 14,75€ Familiar size: 16,95€ Students are in 2 groups of eight and they will use the think-pair-share technique. I will introduce three questions: 1. What will be the price of three medium pizzas of 14,75€? 2. If we go with 6 friends to a restaurant an each one eats 3 halves, how many pizzas have we eaten? 3. If we bought 2 familiar, two individuals and a medium one, how much have we spent? Each member of a group "thinks" about the questions they have from what they just learned, then they "pair-up" with a member in the group to discuss their responses. Finally, they "share" what they learned with the rest of the class or group. Once we have introduced the topic making additions and fractions, they will continue with the project. Developing a project: Mixed abilities pairs. They will join by pairs to develop their Pizza restaurant project. I will try to organize pairs with a higher level and a lower-level student. Task 1: research about prices in a known pizza restaurant. Pizzas, toppings, etc. This will help them to decide their own prices. Task 2: decide which prices will have their pizzas. Task 3: how will they sell the pizzas in portions? Make combinations. Task 4: Profits during a day. They must create Canva’s presentations for each pair restaurant. Then they will present it to the class for group peer assessment. Due to all students are going to develop the same project, they will finally collaborate to answer the 3 big questions that is the learning objective. This will be an adaptation of the Williams’ technique. When each pair shows the presentation about their restaurant, the rest of the group will make peer correction kindly and the presenters will accept it.

Sara Blanco Ortega


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