In the province of Burgos (around 20 Km away from the city), there is a wildlife conservation reserve/area with European bisons, Przewalski horses and aurochs. It is called 'Living Paleolithic'. To teach our students about the importance of looking after these animals in danger of extinction, we want to promote this place for tourists who come to this province. Having visitors will help them maintain their project and keep the animals alive.
Therefore, the REASON to design this project is to raise awareness on the local population and the tourists who come to Burgos about these animals that can become extinct. It is in our COMMUNITY and not many people know about this project. It can also be an attraction for people who come from other parts of the country. We want to design a leaflet. This will be the final PRODUCT, with the animals this reserve has and the activities they offer. We think that this will help the owners maintain the wildlife of the place. So the AUDIENCE would be both, local and foreign visitors. The CONTENTS of the unit are: 1. Classification of animals. 2. Habitats. 3. Food chains. 4. Animals in danger. CALP: habitat, forests, ponds, oceans, deserts, poles, rainforests, carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, danger, plants, horses, bisons, cows, natural reserve, extinction. ADVANCE ORGANIZERS: To engage the students and activate some prior knowledge, I will ask them if they have ever been on a safari (since this is an activity to do in the 'Living Paleolithic') and if they have seen a bison, a Przewalski horse or an auroch. With a cooperative learning technique, 'think, pair, share' I will ask them to think about what can be done to protect animals from extinction. Then, I will show them the web page of this reserve and find out if they would like to enjoy a trip back in time to prehistory. DRIVING QUESTIONS: Where in the world do you think this place is? I wonder if these animals could live near us. How can we promote places like the 'Living Paleolithic' and attract visitors/tourists when they come to Burgos? I introduce the idea of making a leaflet and drive the students to choose this option. I use the 'value line' cooperative technique.Rosa María Herrero
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