I want my school clean


I would like my project to have a real connection with the world around us and to educate others, that would be my reason. As it is my first project, I would prefer a small community, such as school so that the audience may be other students and teachers. My students will analyse the problem of getting rid of waste efficiently and ways to make people recycle or reuse. The project meets the criteria of a challenging problem, autenticity critique, student voice and choice and feedback. The topic would be " I want my school clean" and they will prepare a proposal to get their aim. To catch their attention I will prepare a powerpoint for them to see some pictures of different parts of the school, the floor full of pieces of paper when they have been cutting and pasting, the playground after the breaks, rubbish bins with objects that should have been recycled, the toilets... The driving question will be "How could we encourage people to be clean?" and will go on the board every day. It is an open question. I don't want to use the word "recycle" in it because I am sure they will come out with it. The kids will be provided with graphic organizers and some sentence starters to explain the reasons why they make the different proposals. There are some cooperative techniques I can use to get all the students take part, develop listening and communication skills and learn turn taking, such as Think-Pair-Share and Talking Chips (Kagan).

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